
I am a born and bred Chicagoan.

Hey there!

I am an educator, communications and community outreach specialist, concerned citizen and content creator living in the wonderful community of Woodlawn.

I am blocked by the former NRA National Spokesperson Dana Loesch, which is awesome!

I’m known for my love of bright colors, being the king of TMI and overshare, laughing too much and at the most inappropriate times, as well as doing any and everything around town.  I’m also an avid bicyclist and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner.

Additionally, I am a veteran (US Army National Guard), and former public school teacher, who has lived in Germany, Afghanistan, and Alaska.

Creating things makes me super happy, so that’s what you’ll often find me doing.

I will share my thoughts, feelings, and experiences. We will laugh together, and cry together… yell and scream together, and sometimes, yell and scream at each other. As Frank Sinatra would say, “That’s life!”  If you spend some time with me though, I hope you’ll leave feeling inspired, or challenged, or at the very least moved to thought.

I’m here to express my engagement of the human experience… and that’s not a journey to take alone, so let’s take it together.

For all things Dion, you can find me on
Instagram and Twitter.

Image shot on location in Woodlawn. Represent.